*What will customers find in your V54 booth space:
-vintage home & goods
-clothing & accessories
*What styles will customers find in your V54 booth space:
● Tru Vintage - any item created or produced 50 yrs prior to purchase.
● New Vintage - any item created or produced 20 yrs prior to purchase.
● Retro - any item created or produced 10 yrs prior to purchase.
● Vintage Inspired - any mass produced item this is influenced by vintage design.
● On Trend - clothing/accessory items in high demand.
*Describe your v54 booth space:
My booth is an eclectic space with a bit of whimsy.
*How long have you been collecting and selling your wares:
I've been collecting vintage since the early 1980's.
*Do you have a private collection, and if so, what do you collect:
My home and my air BNB are decorated in a mix of deco, southwest, Asian, and tropical styles.
*Who is your favorite artist:
I love late 60's and early 70's musical artists!
*Do you have a career outside of the V54 world:
I am a retired business banker.
*What do you do for fun:
Vintage 54 is my fun and happy place. I also enjoy cinematography.